1/12/2022 - The Diary of Brian Ka

Living as a persecuted Asian American in AMERICA

01/13/23  •  1,025 Views

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so I don't watch the mainstream news often but it seems like the intelligence agencies are fascinated by me, well not in a good way and enjoying their Asian hunting game which is to write articles that remind people of my name and my personal things in a negative way. When this targeting began, their psyops regarding me on their corporate news media was always about me dying, being murdered or killing someone writing articles which was always about stories of murder that has same name as me (i.e. brian landry) which would go on and on for months. While searching for my name today, I found another psyop which they seemed to have started awhile ago about Bryan 'killer' murdering 5 people with Ka-bar knife (which I never heard of) and as you can see from British newspaper cover page, they are basically using my name and mixing them up to portray my name in a negative light and trying to instill into people's minds that I am some sort of a killer or some sort. When targeting began last year in January 2022, this happened everyday and when it first began, it bothered me a lot because I did not know what or who I was facing. But since media companies are owned by 4 corporations and are run by the intelligence agencies who control this country, now I am pretty sure that it's some kind of a psyop to I guess destroy me in some sort of a way spiritually, physically and mentally. So I was walking my dogs today, and had satellites stalking me in the sky. This is something that has been happening to me since last year August so I wasn't surprised but for some reason today, it seemed like it really wanted to let me know that it was stalking me with passion. So what is the point of this? I think it's because I am not White or Jewish because they are the people who run this world and maybe it is their best interest to target Asians who are capable or who can possibly can affect their matrix which they control. So with all these psyops about my name, and scenes of my personal belongings (for example, I have a mattress which I don't use in my room just leaning against the window and they would use a mattress in a recent killing of Bryan whatever with scenes of police moving a mattress in their vehicle) getting killed or murdered, am I worried or scared? Last year when this started happening, I was really stressed out but I am not anymore. Why? Because I am no longer afraid to die I guess. When targeting first began, I was still at the stage of being afraid and always thought death was something scary. But if I learned anything from this Asian hunting party, (I don't want to include Chinese because they are not Asians because they are rich and have deep connections in DC) it is that I am not afraid to die anymore. Other than that, I am still dreaming everyday of leaving this country. (Not South Korea because they are in on this hunting game too which is sad because that's where I was born) However, as I have mentioned before, I am in a dire financial situation, which is probably by design so I can never reach my full potential because no matter what I do or hard I work, I can never make money so it is still just a dream. No matter what I will continue to love others, love myself and always forgive because I am not one of them even if I tried hard. So I will end my diary here because I wrote a lot today and hope I can write again soon. Have a great day.

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