1/11/2022 - The Diary of Brian Ka

Being an Asian American living in America

01/11/23  •  855 Views

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Being an Asian American living in America was ok until I became a target. Unless you are a weak, short and idiotic looking Asian like Ken Jeong, I realized that Asians are not allowed to do anything that makes them stand out. So being a tall, manly and good looking Asian has hurt me more than it has helped me in many ways. When you are clueless about how America is run, you don't question things like Eugenics which makes it criminal to show Asian Americans as capable and good as opposed to making them look weak and stupid. I believe things will get even worse in the future for people like me because people who run this country simply do not want Asians like me to become successful and reach my full potential. Targeting has changed me so much that I do not or cannot talk about what is on my mind anymore because that is not allowed in this country, and has totally killed off my confidence to the point where I do not shoot myself with videos and upload them anymore. There is an exception to this however. If you are a rich Chinese person who are close with people in power, that is totally ok. So unless you are a rich Chinese who have lots of connections in America, I would stay in Asia by any means. So since I last wrote my diary, there has been stalking by drones in the sky and probably psyops by mainstream media who are using my information to subliminally tell me to hurt myself but I cut off mainstream media completely out of my life so even if they are continuing with their psyop, I am not aware of it which is a good thing I guess. My focus has been to do everything I can to move out of this country and move to Asia but my financials have been in distress and there seems to be no way out. My businesses are not producing because they are blocked out by search engines and suppressed so no matter how much work I put in, it seems to be stagnant and not showing any improvements. Nontheless, I am still trying my best to be grateful even though it is difficult and plan to stay that way until I can leave. When I was young, I had no idea that Asians cannot be seen in platforms like YouTube in a positive light. So not that I am in a flight mode, I have had a realization that as long as I am Asian, I cannot reach my full potential in this country. So even though my situation seems bleak at the moment, I will continue to dream about leaving this country as soon as I can. I do not plan to come back because people have shown me that Asians are not Americans unless you are rich Chinese connected to DC. I know I promised to write positive stories last time but there is nothing that I can talk about that is hopeful. But I am grateful for a place to sleep and food to eat. Really sad but I have no choice. Failure is never ending and it's hurtful but I thank God for everything. Until next time. Have a good month.

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