12/19/2022 - The Diary of Brian Ka
12/20/22 • 982 Views
So I've been a targeted individual (blatantly that I am aware of but probably started way before that) for a year now. It started in the early January of 2022 and has continued thus far. I never thought that I would be writing a diary in the likes of 'The Diary of Anne Frank' but life takes you to places that you never ever imagined before. So why did I decide to write a diary? Well first, let me tell you what this diary is not about. Perhaps that will help you understand my motive for writing better as opposed to talking about what this is about. First, I am not writing this blog to expose anyone. Since the government of the US is behind all the harassment and silent slow killing, what is the point of exposing it? That will do me no good and won't help anyone. Second, I am not doing this so I can get millions of views. If anything, this is to just talk to myself since once you become a targeted individual, you become isolated by friends and family and you won't have anyone to talk to. So in a way, this is a way for me to talk to myself and perhaps look at them later in my life because sometimes writing makes you feel better about the circumstances you are facing. So how did this all begin? And what did I do to deserve the treatment by the deep state or the US government that I am receiving right now? Honestly, I do not know. I had tried to live my life normally, always tried my best to become a successful businessman with knowledge I have gained, and strived to become the best version I could be. So how did it begin? It began with helicopters hovering literally right above my head at my place. I remember going to the supermarket (Vons) and had armed guards who normally do their jobs transfering money from point A to B, acting very hostile towards me as if I am robbing the market or something. I also had black SUVs following me while I am buying wholesale clothes from downtown Los Angeles and on my way driving back home, I had black SUVs, the ones you only see in movies tailgating me. This is not everything, I had people follow me at the dog park for many months, just staring me down for no reason, people watching me shoot basketball while I am at another park, and of course aerial chemical spraying that happens right above my head everyday and right now. I got kicked out of every social media that is available (Even Truth Social) and I feel like they (US government) are doing that to keep me more isolated so my story doesn't get out. Perhaps someone reading this may not believe the things I have had to deal with but than again, this blog is not to convince you, or expose the corrupt government that does everything to kill or slow kill its own citizens so I can careless about how you feel about my blog. If you are trying to discredit me, good luck because I do not have family or friends who will listen to me anyways so it doesn't really matter. I had celebrities whom you may know mimicking what I do at home, online, in the shower (probably using neural monitoring to see what I am doing and technology that can penetrate walls) through Instagram to mock me and hinting that I should commit a suicide. Now, I have to deal with military drones (more than 1) hunting me down to remote parts even in the mountain where I went hiking just yesterday and it follows me around so this operation or whatever it is called is bigger than life, bigger than you can imagine. It seems like everyone including the military, 3 letter agencies, big tech and even Pentagon is involved in hunting me down, 1 man who never committed a crime in my life, for whatever crimes I have committed which I am totally unaware of and making my life miserable by isolating me and making sure I do not succeed in life and also to lower my vibration in any way they can so I am always in a state of fear, death, shame and guilt. For awhile for almost 10 months, every major news outlet would use subconscious pictures and scenes to threaten me, every major disaster shooting incident would have guns or scenes with my initials BK or if I had seen 5 white cars that day, or if I had noticed a new back house of my neighbor who seems to have invited a new tenant (obviously a perpetrator participating in this heinous act probably zapping me with electromagnetic beams and watching me in his little room) it would use what I saw and incorporate them into their news. Moreover, having fire trucks, ambulance, and police cars that are blasting sirens around where I live every 1 hour, perhaps 12 times a day (I counted before) in a middle class neighborhood with no crime and fire trucks blasting sirens at 2am 3am 4am even on rainy days and fire helicopters hovering right above me at 4 am to let me know that they are harassing me. I cannot even start to mention countless ways that they have tried to bring me down emotionally, financially and socially. Many times, I would ask myself why am I in this country? How come I am in this country? Even South Koreans who claim to be celebrities in South Korea (unknown in the US) are using props that signal that they are watching what I am doing in my own home, by posting pictures of the way I sleep (I sleep without a bed because EMF waves go above 200 in my room so I try to avoid anything metal) so clearly, this is an act (Probably New World Order or what some people call the Illuminati) by these entities who control our flow of money and banks which means they have unlimited resources so they can do anything they want and they really enjoy putting 1 person in constant misery and love abusing other people and make them suffer because I guess this makes them feel superior by projecting their own crimes onto others. This way, I guess they are gaining something (who knows what it is) valuable. Anyways, I wrote more than I thought I would write so I am going to stop here. Maybe tomorrow, I can write some other things that I can think of but so much has happened in the past year that I cannot enumerate everything here at once. Until tomorrow I will see you. Love and Light. Brian.