12/29/2022 - The Diary of Brian Ka

Here I am writing another diary for the first time in awhile. Everytime my mind is heavy and burdened, I come to my app and try to write whatever is on my mind hoping that by jotting down my thoughts,..

01/11/23  •  850 Views

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Here I am writing another diary for the first time in awhile. Everytime my mind is heavy and burdened, I come to my app and try to write whatever is on my mind hoping that by jotting down my thoughts, it would will improve my depression and loneliness. So today, I want to talk about the drone/satellite that has been following me around since the end of September this year. Some people may think it's odd that I am talking about a drone/satellite following me around every night but it's true. I have no reason to lie about it here. When this whole targeting program started, I had sirens blasting around me every hour, people chasing me at parks, following me around and staring me down, helicopters harassing me every day (what I mean by harassing is that helicopters would hover right above my home or whereever I go, usually parks, less than 1000 ft. in the air) MSM news drafting news that I would only recognize with images I saw that day (probably using DARPA remote neural monitoring to record everything I saw and using that to encourage me to committ suicide with murder stories and always relating those stories to me and using their Hollywood puppets to let me know that they are watching me at home, in the shower or anywhere I go) and reading my thoughts and using my thoughts against me in YouTube chat boxes by writing those thoughts down there to belittle me and destroy me. I remember when it first started, I had what sounded like a jet, probably something like a F-16 that flew over me to let me know that they didn't like me. So this year has been very difficult to say the least but I am still trying to live day to day and keep my sanity as best as I could. So going back to the satellite/drone story, I have been followed by 2 orbs of light (1 orange and 1 white) in the sky for several months now and interestingly, they are not doing more than surveilling me and my activities outside of my home at night but who knows, because EMF waves are unseen and I have experienced seizures and massive headaches that wouldn't go away for several days ever since this targeting began. I also remember looking back at one of my videos I shot of my dogs 2 years ago, and noticed scattered electrical beams that looked like small bulb of lights that were constantly moving captured in my video (many South Koreans who are targeted individuals complain about this because it penetrates their bodies and gives them massive bodyache or pain). Everyday I would think to myself, what did I do to deserve this kind of treatment by our government? We often hear about children being raped, molested and more because many of those stories are being exposed on Rumble now but people who commit those heinous crimes do not get convicted once but I, who do not have any criminal record or have not committed a crime in my life, am guilty of crimes that they believe I have committed which I don't even know about? Is it because I am Asian who is not a Democrat? Is it because I posted something on social media that exposed South Korean government corruption? What is it that made me the target of every technology that was created to kill or slow kill our enemies to be used against me? Was it because I was blogging about news which I completely got rid of ever since this targeting began? Who do I talk to about what I am going through since it's the government and it's top agencies who are treating me like a public enemy number one? We often hear about targeted individuals who call the agencies but they often hang up on them or encourage the callers to get a psychiatric evaluation for their insanity and they get held up in psych wards so it was clear to me from day one that I should not contact anyone about the situation I am in. So to end this diary, other than the 2 orbs constantly following and suveilling me everynight, I always see a bunch of other lights disguised as stars that are in the sky but what's unique about them is that they constantly move around. So it is clear that they are not stars. They move around so they must be drones/satellites or who knows, UFO or extraterrestrials? If it's the ETs or UFOs, why would they be interested in me? If it's our government agencies, why would they waste so much power and budget (because sometimes there are like 50 of them in the sky) so I have so many questions but no one I can ask and no one I can reach out for help. My only hope is to leave America because clearly they do not want me here and my wish is to go where people look like me (Asian) live and never come back to this country that did everything in its power and flexed its muscles to have me hurt myself or do something dumb that would trigger agencies to come after me. So I have been trying to pray everynight for months now to God or the Universe to lead me out of this country so I can pursue liberty and happiness from a place where I am no longer treated as a human lab rat. I wrote a lot today and I do feel better but I still have so many questions lingering in my mind and the trauma I have experienced as a result of targeted attacks by the entire country for a year will never be recovered. With that, I am going to stop writing and hopefully, I can come back here in the future and write about something uplifting and joyful. But being in my position, I doubt that will ever happen. But nonetheless, I will try. See you soon.  

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