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Designed to help and assist real targeted individuals with prosperity and abundance You can listen to this any time day or night endless listening pleasure Headphones are optional Packed with a variety of professionally designed affirmations Designed for high impact InAudible/Audible Affirmations In Upbeat Music
Video Created By DrVirtual7 NLP Professional Subliminal Artist DrVirtual7 Disclaimer; -
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Robert C. Moore jumps into the water to render assistance to a motorist
whose vehicle drove off the Lynchburg Ferry landing and into the Houston
Ship Channel in Baytown, Texas, Dec. 31, 2021. Coast Guard Sector
Houston-Galveston recognized Moore for his heroic actions with a
certificate of merit. (Video courtesy, Harris County Sheriff's Office)
"The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information
does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement."
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Text Affirmations & Afformations:
You attract money.
Why do you attract money?
How do you attract money?
You attract wealth.
Why do you attract wealth?
How do you attract wealth?
You attract abundance.
Why do you attract abundance?
How do you attract abundance?
You attract prosperity.
Why do you attract prosperity?
How do you attract prosperity?
Has money always flowed to you easily?
How long have you been wealthy?
You attract wealth effortlessly.
Wealth and abundance permeate you.
You are a money magnet.
It must be nice to be able to attract wealth so effortlessly.
You are now highly conscious of wealth.
What you're conscious of expands and grows, taking on a life of it's own.
What you focus on is what you get, no wonder so many people multiply their problems!
Success is a journey, not a destination.
You are continually expanding and growing.
Your character is always improving.
You are joyful, wealthy, and abundant.
What are you going to do with all that money?
You are attracting money right now.
You attract wealth like a powerful magnet.
Wealth, abundance, affluence, money, prosperity, opulence.
Happiness, joyful, peaceful, successful, love.
Patience, kindness, generosity, contribution, relationships.
Confidence, courage, strength, boldness, self-acceptance.
Watch in HD. Headphones/Earphones are optional. Use this subliminal video often to develop an abundance mentality. Watch and listen for best results. This is a visual-only subliminal - it doesn't have any audio affirmations. Set to a comfortable volume. Use at least once a day until no longer needed. There are no binaural beats or frequencies in this video.
Text & Audio Affirmations: I view life through a lens of wonder and innocence.I am loving, conscious, and living beyond the material world.Knowing the Divine brings sincerity and playfulness. I have transcended the ego’s serious mind games. I can see each circumstance from a larger more calming viewpoint.I am reaching a deeper level of enlightenment.I spend more time being conscious and less time being trapped in my ego. I have found total ecstasy.Laughing is a key ingredient in learning how to let go, so I laugh often. Laughing induces a massive healing reaction throughout my body.Ecstatic, blissful, divine experiences find me every day. I raise my vibration high enough to enter a state of appreciation, love & joy.I choose to let more lightness into my heart right now.Laughter is a releasing and a cleansing of my past.I give up analyzing, criticizing, and constantly efforting to remain in control.I am a highly liberated human being.I embrace new perspectives which are less dramatic, serious, and worried.The more I laugh, the more I am free. I release that grip on those all too important thoughts, beliefs, expectations and desires.Reality bends and molds to wherever I focus my attention.I am in charge of which thoughts I choose to entertain.Authentic outrageous laughing attacks fall upon me when I totally let go.I enjoy life to the max.Laughing delivers me to a place of deep peace inside where enlightenment can be found.My simple light-heartedness is the secret to helping others bust a smile.Letting go of seriousness grants me the experience of great joy, gratitude and peace of mind.I welcome a more fun, freeing, and festive mindset.I explore every situation as an opportunity to reveal more love, joy, relaxation & expansion.I simply surrender to becoming more joyful, light-hearted, and free.I make this planet a more enlightened playground.I get in touch with that playful, spontaneous, enlightened being within.I am inherently joyful and full of deep gratitude.I prioritize lightness over seriousness.Abundance, love, and freedom follow me wherever I go.I let go and trust life.My presence automatically liberates others.I am divine, eternal, and already have all the greatest powers inside me.I say good-bye to the old serious attitude of approaching life.I adopt a fun-loving lighthearted attitude right now.I have an enlightened sense of humor.I enjoy the physiological and psychological benefits of laughter and humor.I have the freedom to love and laugh and experience heaven right now.I am free from negative forces and handle every situation with a light heart.I enjoy life and have fun. I let go of emotional baggage, move forward, and seek greater things to come.
Watch in HD. Headphones/Earphones are optional. Use this subliminal video often to lighten up and enjoy life more. Watch and listen for best results. You can still get results from just watching or just listening if that's more convenient for you. This subliminal video has both text and audio affirmations. Set to a comfortable volume. Use at least once a day until no longer needed. There are no binaural beats or frequencies in this video.
만약을 위해서 여러분들에 비디오를 Brian Ka Video 엡 에서 백업해 놓으세요. 무료 무광고 이며 언제든지 업로드 한 비디오를 다시 다운로드 해서 제사용 할수있습니다. 여러분들에 데이터를 제3자와 공유하지 않습니다.
Did you know the Offutt AFB Veterinary treatment facility is open and
provides services for active duty members and retirees? In this video,
CPT Elder talks about heartworm prevention for your pets.
"The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information
does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement."